Plants, New and Seasonal flowers 30 desember 2020
Arrangementen Primula
Arrangementen Primula
Arrangmenten Hyacinthus
Ficus Benjamina Exotica
Monstera obliqua Leichtlinii
Oxalis deppei
Phalaenopsis Duetto
Seasonal Flowers
Chrysanthemum Karma
Tulips Allison Bradley double
Tulips Antarctica Fire
Tulips Blue Diamond double
Tulips Bombita
Tulips Lions Glory
Tulips Mascara
Tulips Ronaldo
Tulips Strong Gold
We wish you a happy new year.
2020, a year to let hope bloom
A year in which our team, our customers and our suppliers showed how strong, flexible and inventive they are. A year for which we thank you!
Together we will colour 2021 with a touch of flowers!
The next lexclusive newsletter will be sent on January 6th!
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