
Yellow & White inspiration 19 mars 2021

Yellow & White inspiration

Pictures by:
Deliflor, Florientlilium, 65 Days of Flowers, Flower Factor, Hobaho, Berg Roses, Funny How Flowers Do That and Hilverda De Boer.

Yellow & White Week
22 - 26 march

Upcoming Special Days

Upcoming Non-Auction Days

Please note the non-auction days in 2019.
Royal FloraHolland and Hilverda De Boer will be closed on these days.

Easter: Monday 5 April
King’s Day (NL): Tuesday 27 April
Ascension Day: Thursday 13 May
Pentecost: Monday 24 May

Auctioning flowers one hour earlier

For 2021 we have four early auction days.
On these days auctioning starts a hour earlier.

Day after Easter: Tuesday 6 April
Busiest Monday before Mother’s Day: Monday 3 May
After Mother’s Day and the week of Ascension Day: Monday 10 May
After Pentecost and before French Mother’s Day: Tuesday 25 May

Non- and early auction days may change over the year.
For all current days, visit RoyalFloraHolland.com