
Hydrangea grower visit and Lisianthus Week 7 mai 2021

Hydrangea grower visit

Sjaak van Schie Hydrangea grower

Sjoerd (Sales, Sjaak van Schie) and Femke (Marketing, Sjaak van Schie) are showing their Hydrangeas.

The Avantgarde, a one-headed Hydrangea,
and Curly Wurly with curled green flowers.

Supreme Selections Lisianthus Week
10 - 14 May

lisianthus boek b

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Full of Lisianthus inspiration!

Upcoming Non-Auction Days

Please note the non-auction days in 2021.
Royal FloraHolland and Hilverda De Boer will be closed on these days.

Ascension Day: Thursday 13 May
Pentecost: Monday 24 May

Contact your account manager about shipping dates.

Auctioning flowers one hour earlier

For 2021 we have four early auction days. On these days auctioning starts an hour earlier.

After Mother’s Day and the week of Ascension Day: Monday 10 May
After Pentecost and before French Mother’s Day: Tuesday 25 May

Non- and early auction days may change over the year. For all current days, visit RoyalFloraHolland.com

Special Days

Prices may fluctuate, because of some of these Special Days.
Please contact your account manager to discuss all details.

Speciale dagen mei -juni