
Ornamental fruit grower visit, Win with Chrysanthemum Newton | Lily Week 3 september 2021

Pumpkin grower visit

Sowing, growing, harvesting, washing and packing. Maatschap de Jong does it all for our ornamental fruit.
Besides their 30 hectares in the Netherlands they also have production in Hungary. We get brown-coloured varieties of ornamental fruit, because of the warm climate there.
All ornamental fruit is grown organically.

Get an impression of the farm in this movie and see a glimpse of the assortment that consists of more than 40 varieties.

Win with Chrysanthemum Newton!

New! Chrysanthemum Newton

Exlcusively available at Hilverda De Boer!
Newton is a product of breeder Deliflor and grower Zentoo.


Win a leather apron or a chrysanthemum inspiration book!

We value your opinion. If you fill out the online questionnaire about Newton, you will have a chance to win an apron or one of 30 Zentoo inspiration books.  The questionnaire will take a few minutes only!

Chrysanthemum Newton 2
Chrysanthemum Newton 1

Supreme Selections Lily Week
6 - 10 September